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Diseases of Blood

Development of hematopoietic system:

  1. Describe the evolutionary development of the hemoglobins from embryo to adult. Dec 2020; 5mrks; nel 21ed pg2504.
  2. Fetal hematopoiesis. Dec 2019; 4mrks; nel 21ed pg2500-2504.
  3. Hematopoietic growth factors Dec 2018; 5mrks; gupta 2ed pg1810.
  4. Describe fetal hemoglobins. Jun 2014; 3mrks; nel 21ed pg2504

Anemias of Inadequate Production

  1. Diamond -Blackfan anemia-clinical features and treatment. Dec 2018; 5mrk; nel 21ed pg2510.
  2. Characteristic hematological features, laboratory findings and treatment of congenital hypoplastic anemia (Diamond Blackfan Anemia) Dec 2015; 3+3+4mrks; nel 21ed pg2510.
  3. a)Anemia of Prematurity. b)Treatment options for a 3 month old preterm who has Hb of 6 gm%. Dec 2015; 5+5mrks; nel 21ed pg2517.
  4. What is physiologic anemia of infancy? Discuss its etiology, characteristics and management. Dec 2012;  2+(2+4+2); nel 21ed pg2517.
  5. Pathophysiology of vit B12 and folate deficiency. Jun 2020; 5mrks; nel 21ed pg2517.
  6. Diagnosis and management in a child with megaloblastic anemia. Jun 2019; 5mrks; nel 21ed pg2518
  7. Differentials for microcytic hypochromic anemia. Dec 2018; 5mrks; nel 21ed pg2507.
  8. Prevention of iron deficiency anaemia in children under 5 years of age. Jun 2018; 5mrks
  9. Outline the etiology of Iron deficiency in children. Describe the clinical features and approach to diagnosis of a child suspected to be having nutritional anemia. Jun 2013; 3+(2+5)mrks; nel 21ed pg2517-2525.

Hemolytic Anemias:

  1. Describe the relationship among the various hemoglobin's in first year of life and their implication in diagnosing hereditary hemoglobinopathies. Dec 2020; 5mrks; nel 21ed pg2541,2554.
  2. Management of transfusion dependant thalassemia. Dec 2020; 5 mrks; nel 21ed pg2256.
  3. Iron chelating agents in pediatric practice. Jun 2020, Jun 2019, Jun 2017; 5 mrks; nel 21ed pg2256.
  4. Precautions to be taken while transfusing hemolytic child. Jun 2019; 4mrks
  5. Counselling of antenatal mother who is already having thalassemia major child. Dec 2019; 4mrks
  6. Indications of spleenectomy in thalassemia. Dec 2018; 5mrks; nel 21ed pg2256.
  7. What are usual patterns of hb electrophoresis in beta thalassemia syndromes. Jun 2018; 4mrks 
  8. Diagnosis & management of methemoglobinemia. Dec 2017; 4 mrks
  9. Advances in treatment of thalassemia major. Dec 2016, Dec 2014; 5mrks 
  10. Discuss transfusion therapy for thalassemia major and long term follow up plan. Jun 2014; 4+3mrks; nel 21ed pg2256.
  11. Outline the long-term complications of thalassemia major. How will you monitor for such complications in a child with thalassemia major? Jun 2013; 5+5mrks; nel 21ed pg2256.
  12. Diagnosis and management of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Jun 2015; 3mrks
  13. Discuss etiopathogenesis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. How will you investigate? Dec 2012; 5+5mrks


  1. Pathophysiology of thrombophilia. Outline management of polycythemia. Jun 2016; 4+4mrks


  1. Evaluate the child with pancytopenia. Jun 2020; 5mrk
  2. Management of aplastic anemia. Jun 2019; 5mrks
  3. Aplastic anemia. Jun 2016; 5mrks
  4. Define pancytopenia. Enumerate common causes in children. How will you assess severity of acquired aplastic anemia in children? Dec 2011; 2+3+5mrks

Blood components transfusion:

  1. Indications of blood components therapy. Jun 2020; 5mrks
  2. Enumerate indications of platelet transfusion in pediatric practice. Jun 2019; 5mrks
  3. Transfusion associated hepatitis- diagnosis & management. Jun 2017; 6mrks
  4. Describe briefly risks associated with blood transfusion therapy.  Dec 2013; 10mrks

Hemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases

  1. Role and function of platelet in physiology of hemostasis. Jun 2020; 5mrks
  2. What are components of hemostatic process? Illustrate the clotting cascade. Jun 2019; 5mrks
  3. What is etiopathogenesis of vit K deficiency in infancy. Diagrammatic representation of coagulation cascade. Jun 2017; 5+5mrks
  4. a) Differentiate a bleeding disorder from a clotting disorder. b) Investigation and treatment of a 2 year old boy presenting with spontaneous hemarthrosis. Dec 2016; 3+2+5mrks
  5. Draw the coagulation cascade. Describe the Hess capillary test and enumerate the screening tests for a bleeding and a clotting disorder. Jun 2014; 4+6mrks
  6. Prophylaxis program in hemophilia. Dec 2019; 4mrks
  7. Advances in treatment of hemophilia. Jun 2019; 5mrks
  8. Specific treatment of mild to moderate bleeding in Haemophilia A. Jun 2018; 5 mrks
  9. Factor replacement therapy in Hemophilia. Jun 2017; 5mrks
  10. Von willebrand disease. Jun 2020; 5mrks
  11. Mechanism of action, therapeutic usage, dosages and adverse effects in children of: a) Low molecular weight heparins b) Magnesium sulphate. Jun 2016; 5+5mrks
  12. a) Discuss the approach to a neonate with thrombocytopenia with specific reference to causes and investigations. b) Prophylaxis program in hemophilia. Dec 2019; 6+4mrks
  13. Management of 1st episode of ITP. Dec 2019; 5mrks
  14. Management of chronic ITP. Dec 2018; 5mrks
  15. Management of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) in children. Jun 2017; 5mrks
  16. An 8 year old girl has presented with epistaxis, bleeding gum and ecchymotic patches over trunk. Her platelet count is 20,000/cumm. Discuss the differential diagnosis with specific clinico-investigative pointers. Plan the diagnostic work up for this child. Dec 2013; 5+5mrks
  17. Discuss the treatment options for acute ITP in a 14 year old girl child. Jun 2013; 10mrks
  18. List the causes of thrombocytopenia in a febrile child. How would you manage a child with fever, platelet count of 25,000/cumm and absolute neutrophil count of 450/ Dec 2012; 4+6mrks
  19. Describe the diagnostic approach and management of a six year old child presenting with purpuric rash and pedal edema following an episode of acute diarrhoea. Dec 2011; 4+6mrks


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